Youth Voting Power

Youth Power

Young voters are the largest generation, and when registered, they turn-out at a rate of over 80%—the highest turnout rate of any age group. They are so powerful that they can decide the results of many 2024 elections. This chart was made by a terrific institute at Tufts University that researches youth voting. To learn more about how they calculated this chart, and other voting facts, go to CIRCLE and poke around!

How well did your state do at supporting youth voters?

When most news sources talk about turnout, they speak as if it’s all up to voters. It isn’t. At every level, our governments and institutions can either to support and expand youth registration, or ignore it.

lift every vote young voters influence 2024 election map of the united states
lift every vote youth power image youth voter turnout state by state map of the united states

Another great resource to learn about Youth Voting: Laura Brill’s Substack for The Civics Center!